Redeemer Community Church

Sundays @ 4pm // Burnaby, BC


Upcoming Events


Redeemer Community Church exists to embody the truth of Jesus in our community as He extends His Kingdom in and through us.


We know truth when we know Jesus. He is God’s truth embodied and the Bible is God’s truth written.


We grow in community as we grow with Jesus. Life transforming relationships are experienced in church, which is Christ’s body on earth.


Jesus extends the Kingdom of God through us as we make healthy disciples of Jesus in Burnaby, Metro Vancouver, and to the ends of the earth.

Sunday Gatherings

What to Expect

Sundays at 4pm

1005 Kensington Avenue
Burnaby, BC

  • We are a new church in Burnaby and welcome you to join us. We are committed to historically orthodox Christian beliefs, biblically faithful preaching, and loving our community. 

  • We meet for about an hour for worship and preaching. After the service we talk over snacks and hot drinks. Expect to feel welcome, enjoy good conversation, and laugh after the service.

  • Most people dress casually. Wear whatever makes you comfortable as long as you're wearing something!

  • Redeemer Kids (aged 4-12) meet separately during the preaching for a bible lesson and activities.

Our Leadership

Our Pastor

Luke Watson currently serves as the lead church planting pastor for Redeemer Community Church.

He spent most of his life on the Gulf Coast of South Texas. He was involved in leadership of university Christian student ministry prior to moving to British Columbia in 2021. He earned a Master of Divinity degree with a concentration in North American Church Planting at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. During his time at seminary, he was a core team member of a church plant. From that church plant, he experienced a call to church planting.

He is married to Maudie who is the unsung hero in Redeemer Community Church. They are the proud parents of Rose Mary.